We Are Proud to Introduce Entrust Respite Care

Feb 01, 2020

Home & Community Care at Entrust

The team at Entrust is excited to launch our very own Respite Services in Edmonton! Respite Care gives primary caregivers a break from the 24/7 demands and responsibilities of taking care of someone with complex needs. This kind of care is typically done at the residence of the client, but we do have a range of flexible options to fit all needs, including:

  • At Centre or On-site Respite Care
  • Emergency Respite
  • In-home Respite
  • Planned Community Integrated Activities
  • Private Home Support
  • Respite Accommodation Home Stays (Longer stays)
  • Short-Term Accommodation (Overnight and Weekend)
  • Transitional Care

Benefits of Respite

Respite has many proven benefits, not only for families, but also the individuals receiving respite care.

  • With the increase in stimulation from activities and interaction with a new individual, clients can see improvements in their social and independence skills.
  • Families overall can experience improved functioning due to significantly decreased caregiver stress levels and the addition of time for other activities.
  • Respite care makes it possible for caregivers to work outside the home and can contribute to the prevention of institutional placement for the client.
  • There are often improvements in the families’ social support and life satisfaction, with better mental health and peace of mind, improved family functioning, and concrete support for the family and guardian to be able to utilize when needed to prevent burnout.

Respite Services are Essential

Respite should be a positive experience for both the carer and the person with a disability. Services should provide a positive and meaningful experience for the person with a disability at the same time as giving the carer a break from their usual caregiving role.

The respite model at Entrust values a strong relationship with the families or carers, including respect for the parents or guardians' trust, honesty, and advocacy. Additionally we follow a Supportive Model of are which always puts our clients at the heart of everything we do.

The service culture includes:

  • a ‘can-do’ attitude
  • flexibility and creativity
  • a person-first approach
  • a skilled workforce
  • combined services
  • key workers
  • detailed assessment profiles
  • individual plans and reviews

Personal Details Make The Difference

We take the time to get to know our respite clients before they arrive, so we can be sure that their stay or involvement in any of our respite programs and services gets off to a great start. Each respite client has a custom Respite Care Plan and Client Summary Sheet that takes into account their support needs, interests, likes and dislikes, and daily routines.

Entrust Respite Services are designed to be an easy and rewarding experience for families and guardians!

Learn more about our Respite Services.

How Much Does PDD Pay in Alberta? 

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To qualify for PDD, you must have a developmental disability from childhood. This ailment must be severe enough to impair daily activities and adult independence.  

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How Much Does FSCD Pay in Alberta? 

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