Become an Employer Partner

Employment gives us purpose; it helps us build relationships, learn and develop skills, gain confidence and be independent. As part of our Framework for Life Program, we partner with Alberta-based businesses to create meaningful employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities.

Why hire an Entrust client?

There are many reasons to consider hiring an Entrust client.

It’s Cost Effective

Are there tasks around your workplace that aren’t getting done (or aren’t getting done enough)? Or are you paying your skilled employees too much to complete small, simple tasks? Creating a part-time or casual position for an Entrust client means the small jobs in your workplace will get attention at a lower cost – as little as a three-hour shift every other week will make a difference.

It’s Great for Morale

Our clients appreciate the opportunity to work; they are dependable, happy, have great attitudes and always try their best. Their positivity is contagious. Many of our employer partners notice better morale with all staff when an Entrust client is on shift.

You Are Making a Difference

Finding a job can be a real challenge for someone with a developmental disability. Traditional job seeking methods – dropping off resumes or applying to job postings – don’t usually work. People with developmental disabilities are one of the most isolated groups in society. Employment is an opportunity for them to feel accepted and connected to the community. The opportunity to earn even a small income is life changing for our clients; it allows them to save money and experience things they otherwise couldn’t, like an outing with friends or even a vacation.

What special needs jobs fit?

There are lots of jobs in almost any workplace that would be a great fit for an Entrust client. Some examples from current employer partners are:

  • Basic office work like copying, scanning and data entry.
  • Light cleaning duties like sweeping, dusting and vacuuming.
  • Retail tasks like taking inventory, making labels and organizing product.
  • General maintenance jobs like lawn mowing, picking up garbage and stocking first aid kits.
  • Basic landscaping tasks like shovelling, wheelbarrowing, laying patio stones, planting and laying landscaping fabric.

Job Coaches

Entrust Disability Services in Edmonton

Entrust clients are assigned a government-funded job coach who accompanies them on their shifts. The job coach helps supervise the Entrust client and liaises with the employer partner. Job coaches help ensure the quality of work Entrust clients provide and assists in their ongoing success in the role.




Common Concerns from Potential Employer Partners


Safety is often a concern for potential employer partners. Because of our clients’ cognitive development, many potential employer partners question whether an Entrust client will be alert while on the job.

During the hiring process, we discuss your workplace requirements in detail. We match you with appropriate candidates who have the capacity to complete your required tasks safely.

Cost, Resources and Productivity

Cost is always a factor. Potential employers want to know if hiring someone with a developmental disability will cost more, or if he or she will need extra training or supervision and will be productive in the role.

Hiring an Entrust client can save you money. Paying an Entrust client a fair wage to complete the same simple tasks your more experienced employees are currently completing is cost effective.

Entrust clients are assigned job coaches who accompany them on their shifts. Job coaches supervise the Entrust client and help ensure he or she is productive at work.

What if it Doesn’t Work Out?

Some potential employer partners worry what will happen if they hire through Entrust and things don’t work out. How do they deliver delicate feedback to an Entrust client? Or how do they let go an Entrust client without implication?

The Entrust client’s job coach is a great resource for employer partners; he or she can mediate between the employer and the employee, helping improve communication.

We are here to help. Our relationships with our employer partners are extremely important to us. We work closely with our employer partners and build strong relationships so we can work towards solutions together.

Become an Employer Partner

We take a very professional, supportive approach to securing meaningful employment for our clients. We view the employers who hire our clients as partners and want them to have a positive experience.

The first step to become an employer partner is to contact our office.

We start by talking with you about your workplace. We discuss what tasks you have available and what skills are needed. We also talk about work hours, shifts and pay rates. From there our program manager recommends an Entrust client(s) for your opportunity. We arrange for you to meet the candidate(s) and his or her employment coach. You decide if (and who) you’d like to hire.

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