Justin’s Story

Entrust is a leader in disability respite services

Jul 01, 2015

Welcome to another edition of Trevor’s Voice. Here, we get to know one of Entrust’s clients, Justin.

- Tilton Reed, CEO

Justin is 24 years old and has been living in residential support since his teenage years. He loves to make fried chicken, draw, swim, play chess and video games, and play practical pranks on staff. He would like to get a girlfriend and work in the food industry.

Justin equates Entrust to paradise. With Entrust, Justin has opportunities to access his community, apply for jobs with the support of his staff, and live in a stable home environment with his two roommates. He is thankful for having friends and staff in his life that respect him and have his best interests at heart. Justin is cognisant of the challenges he faces with his disabilities; including anger, managing money, and building relationships. He has been successful in controlling his anger and taking the steps towards independence by learning to cook and going door-to-door in the winter in his neighbourhood asking to shovel driveways.

How Much Does PDD Pay in Alberta? 

Posted Apr 24, 2024

Disability Programs Alberta

To qualify for PDD, you must have a developmental disability from childhood. This ailment must be severe enough to impair daily activities and adult independence.  

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How Much Does FSCD Pay in Alberta? 

Posted Apr 24, 2024

Disability Programs Alberta

This guide covers what FSCD offers and provides resources for more information. Knowing the program and eligibility requirements helps make the process smoother for applicants. 

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