JW’s Success Soars!

Jul 07, 2016

JW is an Entrust client who is taking his creativity and engineering talents to new heights!

Each week JW visits the Alberta Aviation Museum. He has a passion for planes and it shows!

JW is very knowledgable about each model plane in the museum — he knows each plane’s features, which country it’s from and its purpose.

JW loves to spend time with the museum’s staff and has made a friend named George. George helps JW learn new, exciting facts about planes each week.

After visiting the museum JW’s curiosity really takes off. He heads to the library to look up more interesting facts about planes. This is where the magic happens. JW chooses a picture of a plane to build at home and prints it. If he feels the project will be easy, he prints the picture in black and white. If it will be a trickier build, JW prints in colour.

At home JW first studies the picture, then becomes an energetic, Lego-building machine! He gets right down to the plane’s actual dynamics and design. He even includes the hinged cargo doors at the rear of the plane, explaining that the doors are used for loading supplies.

JW’s end result is always impressive. His model planes look great and his enthusiasm is contagious!

How Much Does PDD Pay in Alberta? 

Posted Apr 24, 2024

Disability Programs Alberta

To qualify for PDD, you must have a developmental disability from childhood. This ailment must be severe enough to impair daily activities and adult independence.  

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How Much Does FSCD Pay in Alberta? 

Posted Apr 24, 2024

Disability Programs Alberta

This guide covers what FSCD offers and provides resources for more information. Knowing the program and eligibility requirements helps make the process smoother for applicants. 

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